Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Robots that do... Something...

Personally I think that robots this days are just spending too much money to do nothing, or something that is not so spectacular. Ok. I know that this will raise some eyebrows around the world, and part of that could be my fault too. I teach robotics to teenagers using Lego Mindstorms. I am aware of the hard work that is to create and program a successful robot, in small scale of course. But again, a lot of videos and stories I´m watching around the net is about robots that play music, robots that are designed to be industrial workers doubling as DJ´s, drummer bots and robots that were created to teach in dancing class. I want to remind you that those robots costs hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to be made, and years in the making so why not invest in robots that are more useful? Be more creative people! The world is waiting... And the evolution is way slow...
Speaking of that... Check out those robots that play music... ;)

Drummer robot

Trumpet Robot Player

Industrial DJ's...

via technabob

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